

The images used on this site come from a variety of sources. Where possible attribution is given back to the original authors. If this information was not possible to locate, the source of the image gas been listed.

Images used include:


The icons featuring a ring of chillis were made by combining a couple of images. The images within the ring are all free icons which require no attribution. Other icons on the page are also free to use, requiring no attribution.

Background Image

The background image was manipulated from a number of seperate images, to produce an image that would 'tile' in vertical and horizontal directions. This enables the image to be repeated and fill the screen without without leaving big vacant spaces.

Chilli Font

The font used to make the 'Reaper's Fruit Garden' logo is used with permission from Vladimir Loginov, the author, and is used under a non-commercial agreement. Check out Vladimir's website for a huge range of exciting photo fonts.


The descriptions for the various Chilli products has been mostly sourced from Wikipedia, with the rest of the information being made up.